American Property Casualty Insurance Association

Distracted Driving


On May 17, 2019, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill making texting while driving a primary offense.

Under previous law, texting while driving was illegal but law enforcement could only cite drivers for the infraction if they were pulled over for another moving violation, making it difficult to enforce.

The new law means that law enforcement officers can stop motorists simply for texting.

The passage of this law in Florida is an important milestone in our efforts to strengthen highway safety laws to protect drivers and pedestrians, and to keep our roads safe. Governor DeSantis noted that in 2016, Florida had nearly 50,000 accidents caused by distracted driving—which resulted in the deaths of 233 people.

Passing Hands-Free laws are a priority for APCIA, and Florida’s adoption of “Hands-free” legislation is the culmination of many months of hard work and effort.