The Insuring America PAC Guiding Principles document guides the Insuring America PAC Board of Directors and the Insuring America PAC Contributions Committee when making federal election contribution decisions. Ten percent of Insuring America PAC funds are allocated for political activity at the state level. The Insuring America PAC Board of Directors recognizes that the political environment is dynamic and, therefore, delegates an appropriate amount of flexibility to the Insuring America PAC Contribution Committee when making federal disbursement decisions. Issues or requests not addressed within this framework are referred to the Insuring America PAC Board of Directors for consideration.
The Insuring America PAC Board of Directors oversees the governance and operation of Insuring America PAC and is comprised of APCIA member company employees who demonstrate leadership within APCIA.
Term Ending in 2024
Term Ending in 2025
Term Ending in 2026
Term Ending in 2027
Term Ending in 2029
Term Ending in 2030
The Insuring America PAC Board of Directors delegates Insuring America PAC disbursement decisions to the Insuring America PAC Contributions Committee. The Contributions Committee meets quarterly to approve the Insuring America PAC disbursement budget and refers to the Insuring America PAC Guiding Principles when contemplating federal election disbursement decisions.
Committee Members
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