To continue to achieve success in insurance industry debates, it is important that we support candidates and political organizations who share our commitment to a regulatory environment that is mutually beneficial to insurers and consumers.
Political Action Committee History and Background
Political Action Committees, or PACs, provide a means for like-minded citizens to band together for the common purpose of making political contributions. Many corporations, labor unions, member organizations, and trade associations have PACs.
There are over 4,500 federally registered PACs in the United States, each one competing for the attention and support of our elected officials.
Erie Insurance and the insurance industry can’t wait until laws are enacted to manage the implications. We need our voice heard in advance. By investing in ERIE’s PACs, contributors help elect or re-elect lawmakers who share our views on insurance and are concerned about the future of the free enterprise system.
Since 1982, employees and friends of Erie Insurance have supported candidates through voluntary contributions to ERIE-PAC and ERIE-PAC-FED. Our PACs provide the opportunity to make contributions to those candidates who listen to the insurance industry’s views on legislative and regulatory issues that affect our businesses.
ERIE-PAC is a state PAC with funds used to support candidates running for state and local offices in Pennsylvania. ERIE-PAC-FED is a federal PAC and the contributions it receives are used to support federal candidates and candidates for state and local offices outside of Pennsylvania.
In our business, we regularly ask Policyholders and prospects to invest in our promise of service. Nothing tangible is exchanged other than the actual insurance policy. Policyholders take comfort in the knowledge that ERIE will be there when they need us most. We likewise want to support candidates who are responsive to maintaining a vibrant insurance industry, and who will consider our needs when making legislation decisions. Quite often, these individuals look to us for leadership and direction because our perspective is important to them.
We all have a stake in the future success of the insurance industry. That success is largely determined by elected and appointed officials who establish the laws and regulations that govern our heavily-regulated industry. Our PAC contributors are a part of a larger group of concerned insurance professionals across the country who play a role in influencing a favorable regulatory environment for our business. Our PAC dollars are used to support candidates who are champions of our cause and supportive of our profession.
Learn How ERIE PAC Supports Our Champions
Erie Insurance and the insurance industry can’t wait until laws are enacted to manage the implications. We need our voice heard in advance. By investing in ERIE’s PACs, contributors help elect or re-elect lawmakers who share our views on insurance and are concerned about the future of the free enterprise system.
Click here for a short video on how our PAC dollars are used to support candidates who are champions of our cause and supportive of our profession.