Join ERIE Action Network NowHelp us support industry issues across the country

A Message from Tim NeCastro, Chief Executive Officer
Federal, state and local lawmakers constantly make decisions affecting you professionally as an ERIE employee and personally as an insurance consumer. Unfortunately, our legislators don’t always have all of the information necessary to make well-informed decisions. Experience has taught us that lawmakers respect the opinion of an informed constituent. That’s why we are inviting you to participate in the ERIE Action Network (ERIE ACT).
We know that contact from individual constituents can have a big impact. Legislators consistently say the leading factor influencing their decisions is outreach from constituents, like you.
ERIE ACT formalizes that process. Occasionally, and only with particularly important legislative insurance issues, we will ask you to make contact with your elected officials, and explain the impact on you personally and on companies like Erie Insurance.
Joining ERIE ACT is easy. Enter your information below, and we will keep you informed of important issues facing our industry. Your efforts can influence the direction and quality of government and the quality of life for all of us. Remember, Connecting Matters.