Explore American Traditions Insurance Company’s Civic Action CenterHelp us champion commonsense property and casualty policy

A Message from T. John Jerger, Jr., President

Thank you for visiting the American Traditions Insurance Company Civic Action Center. This website contains everything you need to remain informed and take action on key legislative and regulatory issues affecting the insurance industry, but most importantly, our customers.

Federal, state, and local lawmakers constantly make decisions affecting you as an American Traditions Insurance Company employee and as an insurance consumer. Unfortunately, our legislators don’t always have all of the information necessary to make well-informed decisions. That is why the participation of industry leaders like you is critical to ensure our nation’s elected officials work to provide a strong and healthy marketplace for insurance consumers.

Your elected officials want to hear from you! Periodically, when an important legislative insurance issue arises, we may ask you to contact your elected officials and explain its impact on you personally and on our policyholders. This website will help you ensure your voice is heard and much more. Visit often to stay informed on the issues impacting our company and educated about your elected officials addressing them.

I encourage you to continue to visit the American Traditions Insurance Company Civic Action Center to stay informed. With your help, we can ensure our company and industry remain strong and viable well into the future.

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